Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The Killing Of Casimir Greenfield

I'm thinking of killing Casimir Greenfield...

Cas is my alter ego, a good friend and confidant, the guy who lives inside my soul. But...I'm working on a number of projects under my given name and I'm beginning to feel that Mister Greenfield might serve me better if he took on my other worldly persona.

Yes. This is a biggie! I might just have to kill the guy off!

There was a time when I felt that the division of labour as the best route to pursue, but somehow, at this point in my career, it feels that consolidation might just be the better path.

I haven't decided the method of Mr G's demise, but I can assure you all that should it go ahead, it will be an interesting death.

(I'm not ruling out cryogenics either)

So, there is a battle royale looming. And, who knows, Cas might well emerge the victor.

Watch this space...

Friday, 7 June 2013

Pressure Drop

I've decided to embrace Vegan-ism. No, this isn't a Star Trek thing - I'm not headed in a sci-fi direction - although the thought of an army of Vegans peacefully ruling the planets has some appeal. This is all about personal body politics.

Back to Earth, Greenfield!

I bought a speaking blood pressure device this week. When you've passed 35 (or 45, 55, 60...) these things are as essential as an i-pod!

The darn thing told me in perfect German that I was suffering from mild hypertension. The English version told me no different.

My diet has been almost exclusively vegetarian for the past year. Add to that the oily fish and making sure that our source ingredients are organic has been good for the old Greenfield body.

But...I can't resist a bit of tangy cheese, the odd packet of potato crisps, the occasional bag of chips.

Mrs G and I have been food concious for most of our lives. Heck, we were Macrobiotic caterers for one full year in the early 1970s - providing meals for weekend sensitivity training groups at a castle in the country. (More about that when Red House is published!).

This means that whatever we eat, nothing is consumed without at least some forethought and subsequent enjoyment. But the blood pressure machine speaking in its many tongues (I have yet to explore the Spanish version...) has given me all the warning I need to re-adjust the Greenfield diet once more.

Time to explore a non-dairy direction. I had already considered returning to the Macrobiotic regime, but I need to journey a little further I think. Cutting out eggs and cheese and milk is not the hardship it might appear. I already drink my coffee black, have to steel myself to eat an egg and the cheese...well, the cheese could be a problem. But, the weight has to come off, the cholesterol levels need to fall and that blood pressure is due to drop.

Now that I've committed some of my thoughts to the page, I'll let you know how things develop (in between the writing and the rest) over the next few months.

I'm not going to evangelise. Each to their own. But lifestyle changes at any age are an exciting challenge.

Wish me luck!