Slow Poison is all about snow...and sex and murder and revenge!
A reader comments; 'This is a good play on mistaken identity - the imprisonment of a youth for a shocking murder in Amsterdam when, it eventually transpires, the real murderer is another person who has an agenda of death to meet on others in vengeance for the mayhem he once experienced on a seedy Gloucestershire estate.
I was first attracted to this book because of the contrast between the beautiful Cotswolds, which I know quite well, and the brutality which, I had thought, irreconcilable with such a place.
Perhaps more interesting though, is that the killer is incited to commit his trail of murders by coming under the influence of a diary written about the WWII death camps and I do sometimes wonder whether, even today, society somewhere, in some country, might still be so fragile as to have failed to recognise when evil can creep back again.' Martin C (UK)
Slow Poison in a nutshell: Slow Poison opens in Amsterdam in the days around the feast of Saint Nicholas in December in the mid 1980’s.
The brutal slaying of a British tourist and the subsequent arrest and imprisonment of a young football supporter sparks off an orgy of violence. But the killing is no random act. The boy is innocent. The real killer returns to England to begin the final chapter of an obsessive campaign of revenge spanning several decades.
The twisted acts of violence and vengeance are punctuated by the pages of a stolen diary written in the dark days of the second world war. The killer identifies with the unspeakable horrors of the death camp as he coldly wreaks revenge for a series of traumatic events that took place in the mid 1950s on a Gloucestershire council estate.
The story culminates with an abduction and a bloody siege high in the snowbound Cotswold hills.
And nothing and no one is quite what they seem...
(This book contains very strong language and scenes of a sexual nature. )
Slow Poison is the first of three books set in and around The Cotswolds that we can expect from Greenfield. Red House will be released in 2013. For now, Slow Poison is set to become one of those chilling stories that, although not to everyone's taste, once read will not be forgotten.
Bloodstones is now available on Amazon.