Thursday, 17 January 2013

The English and snow...

Mrs G and I like to do our weekly shopping on a Thursday. We visit a local market town, and once loaded up take a drive into the country, a coffee at a little arts centre, then a walk with Coco The Wonder Dog on Uley Berrow.

But town was unusually busy. We did our normal shop, but everyone else was loading up their carriages like the end of the world was coming.

Snow. Yes, it really is the end of the world.

The six o'clock news told us that everywhere folk were buying up all the milk, bread and petrol for miles around. The snow that was threatened is obviously going to cut off all supplies of everything...

We always have a good larder full of basics, so we should be okay. If we get caught without something, I'll tweet!

On our way to the walk, the trees were dusted with the most beautiful icing. The sun was low and tinted the ice with gold. There is a Gibbous moon on the way. And the snow will be lovely.

I'm off to finish some short story songs I was working on. I may be sometime.

There's snow business like...well, you get the picture...

ps: The garden is looking lovely this morning and Coco (tWD) is having a ball. Time for oats and a shot of caffeine - then I'm all set for the day.


  1. Oddly enough, in New England where snow is more plentiful and frequent, people STILL buy up all the produce before a storm.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Here in Old England, I love the way it feels as though we've never had snow before. Having said that - it's really coming down at the moment.

    We have a shop - can't get to it - no customers if we did.

    ps: my book, Slow Poison, has a plot-line that hinges on the kind of snow we have at the moment, so I guess I'm as obsessed as anyone...

