Thursday 27 December 2012

Valentines Day is just around the corner...

Oh, how swift the moment changes. We bade farewell to our eldest daughter and the grand-children after a twenty-four hour stay at Greenfield Acres and a quick visit to our little vintage store to check out the new floor. The white Christmas tree was still glistening at the apex of the hall of mirrors and a few lucky dips still dangled from the foil branches. Not for long though - Ruby and Amelie stripped the branches in no time at all and strode around the upper floor in lucky dip finery before giving Grampy Greenfield a farewell peck or two.

Christmas over, my thoughts turn to St Valentine. I came across the heart shaped mirror screen a couple of days ago and my mind turned to visions of love. Six weeks away. That's all! And with Saint V comes the first inklings of spring. I love the spring.

I promised Mrs G our first trip to Venice in the spring. Remind me when the time comes all of you...

I won't need reminding...

The shop tree will disappear before twelfth night, but the one at home will stay until the very last moment. And the mistletoe still works...

I'm turning in for the night now. Non stop shop and then the seasonal celebrations have fnally floored me. We have our little break in Wales coming up - and then on into the newest of years...

I'll just give that heart-shaped mirror a little polish...

Goodnight all!

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