Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Mr G At The Crossroads

There are times when choices have to be made. Am I at the crossroads? More like a fork in the road.

I'm working on two books simultaneously (yes, men CAN multi-task...) and I am not sure which one is going to win the race.

Book one is written from the point of view of a woman, book two from four different points of view. The characters and voices are all so strong and separate that there is no danger that the plot or story-lines will cross.

So. Can I do it? Should I do it?

I don't expect answers. Mrs G enjoyed both Slow Poison and Bloodstones, so she is keen to read anything I might be able to construct. (Yes, she is a fan - the last thing I expected. Most advice given is that a writer should not share fiction with the spouse. Our relationship seems to be holding up pretty darn good from where I'm standing...)

So. I'm ploughing on. It's exhilarating to be honest. We're running the little vintage shop together and in those quiet moments, I slam down a few more scenes.

The subject matter is also poles apart. One, a crime novel based around the rag trade and the other an apocalyptic saga spanning five decades. How could I possibly confuse the two. Just wait and see!


And then there are Bloodstones and Slow Poison. I have just uploaded the final edits to Amazon and they are beginning to sell well. 

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